There are 53 times in the New Testament that Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God. Today, we rarely hear anything about it. City on a Hill believes one of our main purposes is to help bring God’s Kingdom to earth. When we gather together, we desire to equip God’s people as sons and daughters of God and help them identify all the power and authority that He has given them. Our prayer is that every time we leave from a gathering we feel equipped and empowered to be that “City on a Hill” where our light shines bright in the darkness.


At City on a Hill, we know that one moment in the presence of God can change a life for eternity. When we gather our priority is surrendering to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Our goal is not to entertain people but rather we desire to please the heart of God with the worship that He receives. We know that when our heart is to please HIS HEART we will never be left unsatisfied. HIS PRESENCE IS OUR REWARD!


We are a church who is unapologetically in love with Jesus and our purpose is to reveal who Jesus is by sharing the gospel through our everyday lives. We don’t just give Jesus a place in our lives, we live wholly and completely surrendered to Him. Our methods may change, but our message will remain the same. We believe that every Christian is called to live a life that displays the ways of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit and through a commitment to His Word.